Section: Partnerships and Cooperations


Participants : J.-C. Faugère, M. Safey El Din [contact] .

The GeoLMI project(http://homepages.laas.fr/henrion/geolmi/ ) aims at developing an algebraic and geometric study of linear matrix inequalities (LMI) for systems control theory. It is an interdisciplinary project at the border between information sciences (systems control), pure mathematics (algebraic geometry) and applied mathematics (optimisation). The project focuses on the geometry of determinantal varieties, on decision problems involving positive polynomials, on computational algorithms for algebraic geometry, on computational algorithms for semi-definite programming, and on applications of algebraic geometry techniques in systems control theory, namely for robust control of linear systems and polynomial optimal control.

European Initiatives

ECRYPT II - European Network of Excellence for Cryptology

Participants : J.C. Faugère [contact] , L. Perret, G. Renault, L. Bettale.

ECRYPT II - European Network of Excellence for Cryptology II is a 4-year network of excellence funded within the Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) Programme of the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) under contract number ICT-2007-216676. It falls under the action line Secure, dependable and trusted infrastructures. ECRYPT II started on 1 August 2008. Its objective is to continue intensifying the collaboration of European researchers in information security. The ECRYPT II research roadmap is motivated by the changing environment and threat models in which cryptology is deployed, by the gradual erosion of the computational difficulty of the mathematical problems on which cryptology is based, and by the requirements of new applications and cryptographic implementations. Its main objective is to ensure a durable integration of European research in both academia and industry and to maintain and strengthen the European excellence in these areas. In order to reach this goal, 11 leading players have integrated their research capabilities within three virtual labs focusing on symmetric key algorithms (SymLab), public key algorithms and protocols (MAYA), and hardware and software implementations associate (VAMPIRE). They are joined by more than 20 adjoint members to the network who will closely collaborate with the core partners. The team joins the European Network of Excellence for Cryptology ECRYPT II this academic year as associate member.

International Initiatives

Royal Society Project

Participants : J.C. Faugère [contact] , L. Perret, L. Bettale.

Royal Society Project with the Crypto team Royal Holloway, University of London, UK.

Joint LIAMA Project ECCA

ECCA (Exact/Certified Computation with Algebraic systems) is a LIAMA project (Reliable Software Theme) focusing on polynomial system solving. The partners are INRIA, CNRS, and CAS (Chinese Academy of Sciences). The general objectives of this project are mainly the same as those of SALSA.

ANR International Grant “EXACTA”

Participants : D. Wang [contact] , J.-C. Faugère, D. Lazard, L. Perret, G. Renault, M. Safey El Din.

The main objective of this project is to study and compute the solutions of nonlinear algebraic systems and their structures and properties with selected target applications using exact or certified computation. The project consists of one main task of basic research on the design and implementation of fundamental algorithms and four tasks of applied research on computational geometry, algebraic cryptanalysis, global optimization, and algebraic biology. It will last for three years (2010–2012) with 300 person-months of workforce. Its consortium is composed of strong research teams from France and China (KLMM, SKLOIS, and LMIB) in the area of solving algebraic systems with applications.

Scientific Animation

Journals – Associate Editors and Program Committees

J.-C. Faugère is member of the editorial board of Journal “Mathematics in Computer Science” (Birkhäuser) and Journal “Cryptography and Communications – Discrete Structures, Boolean Functions and Sequences” (Springer); guest editor for special issues in Journal of Symbolic Computation (Elsevier) and Journal “Mathematics in Computer Science” (Birkhäuser).

M. Safey el Din is member of the editorial board of Journal of Symbolic Computation (Elsevier).

J.-C. Faugère is PC co-chair of the third SCC conference (Santander, 2012).

D. Wang is member of the editorial board of:

  • Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor for the journal “Mathematics in Computer Science” (published by Birkhäuser/Springer, Basel).

  • Executive Associate Editor-in-Chief for the journal “SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences” (published by Science China Press, Beijing and Springer, Berlin).

  • Member of the Editorial Boards for the

    • Journal of Symbolic Computation (published by Academic Press/Elsevier, London),

    • Frontiers of Computer Science in China (published by Higher Education Press, Beijing and Springer, Berlin),

    • Texts and Monographs in Symbolic Computation (published by Springer, Wien New York),

    • Book Series on Mathematics Mechanization (published by Science Press, Beijing),

    • Book Series on Fundamentals of Information Science and Technology (published by Science Press, Beijing).

  • Editor for the Book Series in Computational Science (published by Tsinghua University Press, Beijing).

M. Safey El Din was member of the program committees of the 36-th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (San Jose, USA, June 8–11 2011) and the 13-th International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing (Kassel, Germany, September 5 - 9, 2011) and is member of the program committee of the 13-th International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing (Maribor, Slovenia, September 3 - 6, 2012).

D.Wang was member of the program committee of:

  • Technical Session at ICCSA 2011 on Symbolic Computing for Dynamic Geometry (Santander, Spain, June 20–23, 2011),

Scientific visits and international seminar

M. Safey El Din was invited 2 weeks in July 2011 by L. Zhi at the Key Laboratory of Mechnanization and Mathematics (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing China), 1 week at the department of Computer Science at Aarhus University (Denmark), 2 weeks in October 2011 by E. Schost at the Department of Computer Science at The University of Western Ontario (London, Canada). He is a co-organizer of the next National Days of Computer Algebra in 2012.

L. Perret was invited 2 weeks in 2011 (in July and December) by D. Lin at the SKLOIS (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing China), 1 week (April, 2011) at the Stevens Institute (New-York, USA) by A. Miasnikov.

J.-C. Faugère was invited 1 week in July 2011 by D. Lin at the SKLOIS (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing China).

Conferences (organization) and invited talks

J.-C. Faugère was plenary invited speaker at ECC 2011, the 15th workshop on Elliptic Curve Cryptography.

J.-C. Faugère, is member of the MEGA Advisory Board.

M. Safey El Din is co-organizer (with L. Zhi) of the First International Workshop on Certified and Reliable Computing, held in July 2011 at Nanning, China, co-organizer of the mini-symposia on Algebraic Complexity (with E. Schost) and Algorithms in Real Algebraic Geometry (with H. Hong) which have been held on the occasion of the SIAM conference on Applications of Algebraic Geometry (Raleigh, Oct. 2011).

M. Safey El Din was invited speaker at the mini-symposium on Algebraic Geometry and Optimization (SIAM conference on Optimization), the MaGIX conference (LIX, Palaiseau) and gave several talks in the mini-symposia organized during the SIAM Conference on Applications of Algebraic Geometry. He was also invited to give a talk at the joint Mathematics-Computer Science seminar at the University of Western Ontario and gave a talk at the first workshop of the GeoLMI project (Rennes, Nov. 2011).

J.-C. Faugère was invited speaker at the MaGIX conference (LIX, Palaiseau) and in the mini-symposium on Linear Algebra organized during the SIAM Conference on Applications of Algebraic Geometry (Raleigh, USA). He was also invited to give a talk at the joint Mathematics-Computer Science seminar at the University of Aarhus (Danmark).


J.-C. Faugère was a member of the evaluation committee (AERES) of the institut de mathématiques de Toulon et du Var.

M. Safey El Din is a designated member of the French National Council of the Universities (CNU).

J.-C. Faugère is member of the hiring committee in computer science at the <<Université Pierre et Marie Curie>>, <<Université de Toulon>> and <<Université Joseph Fourier>>.


J.C. Faugère, L. Perret give a course on Polynomial System Solving, Computer Algebra and Applications at the “Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique” (MPRI).

G. Renault gives a course on Computational Number Theory and Cryptology at the <<Master d'Informatique de l'Université Paris 6>>.